Welcome to the Threshing Floor Energy web site. Please look over our pages and ask us any questions you may have.
Turn on the light and switch to corn or wood pellet heat when the numbers work for savings and comfort
As you will notice we do not include prices on our web pages. This eliminates incorrect quotes,
Please give us a
call for a price quote

Here is a link to the latest corn bids in your area at your local elevator.
There will be a .20 cent out charge above the cash price, these prices are
not always up to date so there could be some difference as the markets move from day to day and through out the day
However I am convinced heating with corn is not for everyone, there
is corn to carry in, ashes to carry out, a stove to maintain, clean, etc.
All this can be enjoyable and very rewarding with the right equipment, and commitment to a good simple maintenance schedule.
That is why we have included the "Power Smith" ash vac at a substantially reduced price as standard equipment with every stove that leaves our store. We want your experience with burning corn to be an enjoyable and rewarding time. An experience that not only saves you money when the numbers work, but one that provides comfort you
can look forward to every season.
Thanks for coming to our site,

We have some
used stoves
for sale